Choose ptp 400 series solutions for connectivity in challenging near and nonlineofsight. With carriergrade reliability, ptp 600 links have classleading sensitivity and power output that enable links to go farther while sustaining high throughput regardless of conditions. Download center for firmware, drivers, user guide, utility or any other download resources, please select the product model number through the search engine or the tab list. View online or download motorola ptp 400 series user manual.
Powered indoor unit pidu plus winncom technologies. Motorola ptp 800 series 23800 outdoor unit wireless bridge. Motorola ptp 400 series manuals manuals and user guides for motorola ptp 400 series. Fixed point to point wireless bridge user manual revised details for fcc id qwp54100 made by cambium networks limited. Pointtopoint our proven pointtopoint ptp series solutions are deployed worldwide, serving highly critical applications in formidable environments for the worlds most demanding users pointtomultipoint to address the multitude of deployment scenarios, frequencies and budgets, cambium networks offers purposebuilt solutions across three distinct platforms. Reproduce your media movies, songs, photos on your computer. The products of tplink partly contain software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the gnu general public licence gpl. Manage all the moto experiences that your phone supports through the preinstalled moto app. The systems achieve highly reliable connections, much more often and at faster data rates than. Pointtopoint wireless bridges ptp 400 series software release 40009xx system user manual november 23rd, 2007 ref. The motorola ptp 600 series of pointtopoint wireless ethernet bridges include both licensed solutions for the 2. Motorola ptp 300 series 58300 wireless bridge series sign in to comment. Ptp 600 links have classleading sensitivity and power output which enable the links to go farther, regardless of conditions.
Leverwireless telecoms training consultants, cisco. Document includes user manual ptp 400 series user guide. The ptp linkplanner is an application that runs on windows or macintosh. Motorola provides the ptp linkplanner application with the ptp 250, ptp 300, ptp 400, ptp 500, ptp 600 and ptp 800 equipment. The power transmitted by the ptp 400 series is controlled by the use of regionspecific license keys. Ptp 800 licensed ethernet for multiservice networks with xpic. With motorolas innovative software solutions, customers can design, deploy and manage broadband networks, maximizing uptime and reliability while lowering installation costs. Below you can find the unique features of this mobile utility.
I got a ptp400 bh30 that recovery button has pressed for more than 40 seconds, according to the manual that reset to factory default and erase any user software loaded image leaving the factory loaded image intact. Download motorola pc suite for windows 10 for free. To learn more about motorolas ptp lightning protection unit, reference the ptplpu data and specification sheets. Motorola ptp 300 series 58300 wireless bridge series.
Powered indoor unit pidu plus winncom technologies, corp. View and download motorola ptp 400 series instruction manual online. Home ptp software support ptp software support downloads ptp software support downloads please check this page regularly for updates and enhancements to your existing programs. Figure 83 software download complete page after carefully checking that correct image has been downloaded the user should reboot the. Download visio stencils for motorola point to point. Access your favorite features and apps quickly and intuitively with moto experiences.
Rf cable of generic type lmr400 is required for connecting the odu to the. The ptp 400 series bridge is fully software upgradeable. Motorola ptp 300 series 58300 wireless bridge series specs. Cambium networks ptp 800 home motorola two way radios. Caution care should be taken not to connect equipment other than an odu, lpu or ptpsync for the ptp 600 series to a pidu plus odu port, as equipment damage may occur.
Motorola products, and 3 party software products described in this document may include ordescribe ed motorola and other 3rd party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories orother media. Failure to use the motorola supplied pidu could result in equipment damage and will invalidate the safety certification and may cause a safety hazard. Cambium networks point to point ptp 600 series motorola two. Ptp 300, ptp 400, ptp 500, ptp 600 and ptp 800 equipment. Pm400 mobile twoway radio features due to the fcc narrowbanding mandate in the united states, product specifications and brochures for motorola solutions twoway radio products may indicate 25 khz12. Cambium networks point to point ptp 600 series motorola. Motorolas ptp 400 series solutions outperform comparable wireless systems by maintaining up to 99.
The motorola pointtopoint ptp400 wireless ethernet bridge delivers missioncritical reliability, high bandwidth and quality of service to military and security officers, firefighters, police officers, medical personnel and government officials. Mobile phone tools downloads motorola device manager by motorola mobility and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Airmux400 pointtopoint broadband wireless access rad. We have 1 motorola ptp 400 series manual available for free pdf download. Motorola ptp 400 series bridge integrated model motorola ptp 400 series. Motorola provides the ptp linkplanner application with the ptp 250, ptp 300, ptp 400, ptp.
Pr400 portable twoway radio features due to the fcc narrowbanding mandate in the united states, product specifications and brochures for motorola solutions twoway radio products may indicate 25 khz12. Superior technology, superior results motorolas unique combination of technologies delivers consistent carriergrade performance for your data, voice and video communications. Caution care should be taken not to connect equipment other than an odu, lpu or ptp sync for the ptp 600 series to a pidu plus odu port, as equipment damage may occur. Motorolas ptp 300 series bridges, refer to the ptp 54300 and 58300 specifications sheet. Motorola pr400 portable twoway radio motorola solutions. The 600 series of pointtopoint wireless ethernet bridges includes both licensed solutions for the 2. With mimo, this requirement is reduced to just 15 db, giving a performance benefit of 25 db.
Motorola expanded its offerings to include the pointtopoint ptp 800 series licensed ethernet microwave solutions which complement an extensive line of pointtopoint unlicensed and licensed solutions that operate in shared radio frequencies. Rads airmux400 series of pointtopoint broadband wireless radios deliver native ethernet and tdm services over a single wireless link in various sub6 ghz frequencies. The following examples show how the regulatory limits apply in some specific countries at the current. Motorolas ptp 400 family of pointtopoint wireless solutions succeeds over 99% of the time. Bluetooth or usb data sync between your computer and device. With a flexible combination of ethernet and up to 16 e1t1 interfaces, the high capacity airmux400 radio systems provide aggregated throughput of up to 750 mbps and a range. E lectro m agnetic d ischarge lightning protect your installation. The ptp 49400 also efficiently handles backhaul for wireless networks, video surveillance networks and temporary fixed pointtopoint links, providing a costeffective solution for t1 replacements.
Pointtopoint wireless bridges ptp 600 series software release ptp 60005xx. The supplied power indoor plus pidu plus ptp 300500600 series is used to power the odu. Ptp 600 series user guide motorola pointtopoint wireless solutions. Ptp 600 series wireless access point pdf manual download. Motorola ptp linkplanner download use ptp linkplanner to. Ptp 300 series links have classleading sensitivity and power output, which enable the links to go farther than comparable systems up to 155 miles 250 km. The pm400 tm mobile twoway radio is perfect for new twoway radio users, small organizations, and firms that want an affordable solution with a maximum number of features. The pidu plus ptp 300500600 series is not interchangeable with the pidu plus ptp 400 series. Ptp 800 licensed microwave products are specifically designed to satisfy the.
Emd lightning damage is not covered under warranty. Motorola ptp 800 series 23800 outdoor unit wireless bridge series sign in to comment. Follow the directions on that page to access the software download page. When the download is complete a page is displayed indicating the status of the software download figure 83. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage. Cambium ptp 500 series pointtopoint wireless ethernet bridges operating in the 5. Motorola ptp 400 series user manual 208 pages pointtopoint wireless bridges. Download visio stencils for motorola point to point wireless. Leverwireless telecoms training consultants, cisco wireless. Motorola ptp 800 series 23800 outdoor unit wireless. The cambium linkplanner software and user guide may be downloaded from. Motorola canopy wireless ptp 400 series ethernet bridge. The pidu plus ptp 300500600 series is not interchangeable with the. New software images are first downloaded from the motorola website.
Motorola ptp 400 series bridges nonlineofsight operation. The buyer will not be authorised to use intellectual property rights or software and any such use or transfer shall be at the buyers sole risk. View and download motorola ptp 600 series user manual online. Motorola ptp 400 600 series connectorised outdoor unit visio stencil motorola ptp 400 600 series integrated outdoor unit visio stencil motorola ptp 400600 series pidu visio stencil. Cambium networks ptp 800 todays converged multiservice networks should be secure, reliable, and costeffective with high capacity and low latency. The cambium ptp 800 licensed ethernet portfolio maximizes customers access to the highest level of ipoptimized microwave solutions available. Powering down before servicing always power down and unplug the equipment before servicing. The ptp linkplanner is an application that runs on windows. The pmp 400 provides up to 20 mbps of usable throughput in a 10 mhz channel. Ptp solutions guide motorola fixed pointtopoint wireless bridges. Motorola ptp 400 600 series connectorised outdoor unit visio stencil motorola ptp 400 600 series integrated outdoor unit visio stencil motorola ptp 400 600 series pidu visio stencil. Use ptp linkplanner to help predict where and how equipment will work.
Access problem to ptp400bh30 cambium networks community. The ptp 500 series wireless pointtopoint bridges allow you to. Motorola ptp linkplanner free download windows version. If you are unable to find the exact model you are looking for, or need other accessories, please contact us directly. Motorola ptp 800 series 04 10 user guide linkedin slideshare.
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