They slipped this one in the middle of the book i wanted which the covers look almost identical. But many people dont know everything they should about the social security program. What sanders, clinton, and trump mean for social security and what you should consider doing before the election mar 11 washington is closing down some of my favorite social security loopholes but you still have time to act. Well, mattive tells you that the program is an investment newsletter and that hes using this as a platform to inform people about this moneymaking scheme. Social security beneficiaries 2012 social security administration. The social security benefits handbook is available in print sourcebooks, 5th ed.
One is the little black book of income secrets and the other is the big black book of income secrets. Nilus mattive, agora financials editor, is the one responsible for the newsletters sent out to their email list or subscribers. The two best books on social security white coat investor. It trades just under book value, which is a good sign, and with a trailing. There are more than 2,700 rules in social security s handbook. He has also published numerous articles in the major publications on the subject of retirement and estate planning. The secret to gaining a 12% interest on your bank account. I learned about some ways to maximize spousal benefits by the way one signs up for social security benefits and then delays receiving them. Mattive gives investors four reasons why they need to start taking action right now. This book is more focused on older generations, particularly those looking to retire, or who have already retired and are looking for extra income. He advises waiting as long as possible before collecting social security benefits, because it could allow you to get bigger monthly checks for a longer period of time. Apr 01, 2016 pay taxes later, the roth revolution, pay taxes once and never again, live gay retire rich, retire secure for same sex couples, retire secure, and now the little black book of social security secrets. Remove fear of retirement with 3 key strategies paradigm. Nilus began his professional career at jono steinberg s individual investor group, where he published his original research through a regular investment column.
The little black book of social security secrets by james lange. Also available in print is the social security answer book, a collection of 200 frequently asked questions with straightforward answers. According to the centers for retirement research at boston college, 60% of seniors are applying for social security benefits before full retirement age. I won this book on a goodreads giveaway, and was eager to read it, being senescent. The big black book of income secrets, is it a scam. Gee, i feel bad for dad or grandpa, but you know its not my problem. Each one of these littleknown secrets can lead to a steady source of income, he says which all add up to the lifestyle you want and deserve, now and in retirement. The big book of income is a book written by zach scheidt that supposedly gives you 47 income secrets that will help you earn easy money. Income and retirement focused newsletter from nilus mattive at agora, started in 2018 following mattives departure from his similar newsletters published by weiss. He shares his secrets behind finding the best dividendpaying stocks and also recommends a few of his favorite ideas. Uncovering social security secrets uncovering social security secrets benefits. What the social security administration doesnt tell you. Sep 20, 2019 how to retire rich without social security by nilus mattive posted june 18, 2019 anyone in their twenties, thirties, heck, even forties might be thinking.
Nov 12, 2015 today, larry has 12 secrets to maximizing your social security benefits under the new rules. Dear reader, when i wrote rich dads prophecy, i garnered a lot of publicityit was a big prediction about an impending crash, written in 2002. If you have no other retirement and only social security, the only way to increase that is to find a high paying job or work two jobs your. Whats being teased by nilus mattives the rich life. Print resize text in this report, ill tell you the very best ways to cash in on a future wave of washington cash funneling into private investors pockets. Income and retirement focused newsletter from nilus mattive at agora, started in 2018 following mattive s departure from his similar newsletters published by weiss.
Hell be taking a short break from this column for the rest of the month and will return to answer. Scammers convince victims to keep the promised profits a secret. The rich life letter, scam or will it make you rich. Your 5 retirement options by nilus mattive for daily reckoning it turns out retirement is a relatively new concept. The little black book of social security secrets social security is the best income stream available to retireesand you want to get as much of this income as possible. Jun 06, 2018 the aforementioned nilus mattive has 316 ideas for you to do just that, in a book called the rich life income bible. The rules seem to indicate that you can receive your own retirement benefit plus the portion of another benefit that is in excess of your retirement benefitbut thats really just a confusing way of saying that the. Praise for the little black book of social security secrets social security is the best income stream available to. Nilus began his professional career at jono steinbergs individual investor group, where he published his original research through a regular investment column.
To get all the social security you deserve, read a book that. More on the history of social security thetradingreport. He explains why it wont just take a few tweaks to fix the programs underlying problems, and why he advocates delaying benefits when the system is becoming insolvent. The secrets to maxing out your social security, a primer and a graduate level course, rolled into one, on. Our second book today, the little black book of social security secrets, is by another of my favorite authors, james lange, author of retire secure, and is subtitled couples aged 6270 take action now, retire secure later. Posts by nilus mattive 2017 may 30 five misunderstood investment ideas.
Money and markets tv october 16, 2012 video dailymotion. The little black book of social security secrets james lange, cpaattorney couples ages 6270. Nilus is the editor for the daily eletter the rich life roadmap and a. Articles by nilus mattive freelance journalist muck rack. We all know times have changed and things that were once solid and guaranteed like pensions and social security are now standing on sand. The promo promises youll discover 30 unique income tools in the big black book of income secrets. How to find the best dividend paying stocks curzio research. The publisher, agora financial, is a publishing company based in baltimore, maryland, that is responsible for print and email publications containing financial and business guides, recommendation, commentary, and market forecasts. Find the top 100 most popular items in amazon books best sellers. How to crashproof your portfolio the daily reckoning. Dan points out that only 70% of the programs 57 million beneficiaries are retired workers, with disabled workers, survivors, and dependents making up the remainder. It sounded like there were some interesting strategies being covered, so i decided to do some investigating.
Nilus mattive, editor, weiss researchs dividend superstars, and author. Another requirement is that the spouse must be at least age 62 or have a qualifying child in herhis care. These are littleknown secrets, but ill share them with you for free today. To find out, make it a priority to read jim langes brief but fabulously insightful new book. Social security has been flirting with disaster for many years, and the. By nilus mattive money and markets original link last weeks article on social security generated a lot of comments and questions.
Piggybacking switzerlands social security program for monthly checks of up. The investment newsletter calls it the trumps new social security, and when you sign up for it, you get another free report called wall streets instant cash machine. The aforementioned nilus mattive has 316 ideas for you to do just that, in a book called the rich life income bible. Social security rules make it difficult to understand that you cant get more than one of the benefits at the same time. The rules are hard to decipher and the social security administration does not generally give casespecific advice. The federal government is using an obscure clause buried in the u.
The big black book of income secrets bank on yourself. Mar 03, 2015 to get all the social security you deserve, read a book that shouldnt need to exist. Consider these numbers from the evolution of retirement by dora l. Likewise, if you receive social security benefits as a spouse, the longer you wait, the bigger the benefit, provided your wageearner husband or wife waited until full retirement age to start. How to claim social security earlier, without harm, and combined with unemployment pay by nilus mattive posted may 31, 2018 im continually amazed at how many misunderstandings everyday americans have about social security. Top liberty vouchers teased for relentless income stock. Nilus mattive offers social security tips for americans nearing retirement age. Mattive iii president kuvera creative llc linkedin. Take a step back and think about that, says nilus mattive of agora. Just saying no to social security 2010 just saying no to social security 2010 by nilus mattive, easy street investing. Jul 03, 2012 social securitys handbook has 2,728 separate rules governing its benefits. Get whats yours has been revised and updated to reflect new regulations that took effect on april 29, 2016. Get whats yours has proven itself to be the definitive book about how to navigate the forbidding maze of social security and emerge with the highest possible benefits. Today, larry has 12 secrets to maximizing your social security benefits under the new rules.
Social security will amount to a mere pittance for most retirees. Jul 02, 20 the social security administration began taxing benefits in 1983 as part of a law intended to increase income for the social security program and medicare. Youll see how social security is doomed and sooner than you think and the awful way social security might be saved. Social security is an essential part of most peoples financial planning for retirement. As investors, we need good information to make sound decisions. His whole career has been to spot new income strategies. Mattive iiis profile on linkedin, the worlds largest professional community. We cannot decipher social security in a few hundred words not even the social security administration can do that but we can offer the following helpful secrets to maximize your social security benefits. The little black book of social security secrets, couples.
It merely kept the governments cash registers running a bit longer. By a qualifying child, social security means a child who is under age 16 or who receives social security disability benefits. Find nilus mattive s email address, contact information, linkedin, twitter, other social media and more. Income and retirement focused newsletter from nilus mattive at agora, started. Good luck paying all your living expenses and medical bills with that pittance. So, nilus mattive is perhaps best known for his book, the new investor.
Jul 30, 2012 34 social security secrets all baby boomers and millions of current recipients need to know by laurence kotlikoff the social security handbook has 2,728 separate rules governing its benefits. The secret to its success is in the way revenue is generated for the program. Curiously, the outlook for social security disability has improved. Secret ways to boost your social security kiplinger. Three social security secrets the government doesnt want. Heres the intro to the latest ad for nilus mattive s rich life letter, which is the latest introlevel retirementincomefocused newsletter from agora financial mattive has been around for a while, he was previously the headliner for the nowdefunct income superstars letter over at weiss. For example, one reader said that president obama was correct in his statement that the program just needed a little tweaking. What you dont know about your biggest retirement benefit nearly half of americans age 50 and over failed a 5question truefalse quiz on social security. Nilus mattive nilus is the editor for the daily eletter the rich life roadmap and a paradigm press analyst. And it has thousands upon thousands of explanations of those rules in its program operating manual system, called the. Weiss research, founded by consumer advocate and financial author martin weiss, was founded in 1971. Three social security secrets the government doesnt want you. A recent report shows that our entitlement programs will run out of funds even sooner than expected 2033 for social security and 2024 for medicare. However, the trustworthiness of the information inside these letters is put in question because of its misleading marketing strategies and the use of.
At the same time, lets recognize that the fiscal cliff agreement was not some type of big fix. They can be purchased in bookstores or by clicking on the pictureads to buy them from amazon. In the following video, dan caplinger, the motley fools director of investment planning, looks at three social security secrets that few people know. Money and markets tv july 24, 2012 video dailymotion. Currently the law is changing and a suspend and file cannot be elected starting on may 1, 2016. Hes also employed by the largest independent financial research group on the planet. Social securitys portion of fica taxes as theyre also known is 12. This book is a real eyeopener regarding the realities many face as they plan, approach and begin retirement. The book promises to double your social security income as he did for his father. You can be eligible for social security benefits after working as little as 10 years, and you can begin receiving benefits as early as age 62 or as late as age 70. By nilus mattive moneyandmarkets original link happy 20. Today, my guest is nilus mattive, editor of the income superstars newsletter for uncommon wisdom. You can be eligible for social security benefits after working as little as 10 years, and you can begin receiving benefits as early as age 62.
In one respect, it already is a great new year since as i predicted our dividend tax rates will remain much lower than all the doomandgloomers expected. Mar 06, 2016 by a qualifying child, social security means a child who is under age 16 or who receives social security disability benefits. What i told my dad about social security daily reckoning by nilus mattive dear rich lifer,its been a few weeks since the paradigm shift summit went down in new york, and ive already covered a few of the many ideas and concepts i shared at that awesome event. The rich life letter is published by agora financial, and created and edited by nilus mattive. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social. And the psychological and social costs can exceed the financial ones. Nilus began his professional career at jono steinbergs individual investor group, where he. Nilus mattive has 316 ideas for you to do just that, in a book called the rich life income bible. Investing in an era of lies posted on may 16, 20 by nilus mattive. Just saying no to social security 2010 the future of. Feb 22, 2016 amid all the changes underway with retirement, from disappearing pensions to shrinking matches on company 401k plans, one thing so far has remained constant.
Social security s secrets, revealed some people might refer to these social security unknowns as secrets, but id only do so with quotations around the word. Nilus mattive answers questions about his statements on social security. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover nilus. Jonathan clements, author of jonathan clements money guide. The social security default of 2019 agora financial. The rich life letter is an investment newsletter from the financial company agora financial. Each one of these littleknown secrets can lead to a steady source of.
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